Regional Contexts of Global Crisis: The Politics of Covid-19 in East Central Europe
Das Zentrum Marc Bloch organisiert im Rahmen der Online-Reihe „Systemrelevant? Was die Krise mit unserer Gesellschaft macht. Deutsch-französische und europäische Perspektiven“ die Veranstaltung: „Regional Contexts of Global Crisis: The Politics of Covid-19 in East Central Europe“. Dieses Webinar findet am Montag, den 25. Mai ab 10 Uhr (via Zoom) mit Balázs Trencsényi (Central European University/Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin/Centre Marc Bloch) statt. Ein Gespräch wird mit Marc Lazar (Sciences Po Paris) und Leyla Dakhli (CMB / ERC DREAM) statt finden.
Zusammenfassung auf Englisch : While the scholarly debate has been focusing on the previously unfathomed controlling mechanisms and technologies emerging in the context of the global crisis management, one should not forget about the functioning of more „conventional” institutions and mechanisms of power such as federal and municipal administrations, parliaments, courts, etc. Seeking to generate further discussion, this position paper seeks to give a short overview of the politics of COVID-19 in East Central Europe, with a special focus on Hungary, where some of the most contested measures were implemented as a reaction to the pandemic.
Format :
Daten und Ort :
25. Mai 2020, ab 10 Uhr
Online via Zoom
Sprache :
Vortrag und Diskussion finden auf Englisch statt.
Referent :
Balázs Trencsényi is a Professor at the History Department of Central European University, Budapest, and co-director of Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies. His main field of interest is the history of modern political thought in East Central Europe. Between 2008 and 2013, he was Principal Investigator of the European Research Council project, “Negotiating Modernity”: History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe. Among others, he is the author of the monograph, The Politics of ‘National Character’: A Study in Interwar East European Thought (Routledge, 2012); co-author of AHistory of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe. Vols. I-II (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2016, 2018); as well as co-editor of Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1775–1945), vols. I–II, IV(Budapest: CEU Press, 2006–7, 2014); European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History (New York: Berghahn, 2017); and Brave New Hungary: Mapping the „System of National Cooperation” (Lexington: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019).
Organisiert von:
Zentrum Marc Bloch
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